I am modeling a site and breaking it up into drainage area per BMP. I have a drainage area a little over an acre and am trying to model a sand filter treating this runoff. I have the sand filter modeled as 2 ponds. The first pond is the sedimentation chamber to allow settlement of large...
We have a small MBR WWTP and instead of drip irrigation I was told to do spray irrigation over a grassed area. I don't have any experience in the design of spray irrigation. Rain Bird was not helpful. I found specs on some of their pop-up heads and found something I thought was reasonable...
I am doing a small waterline extension to serve a development in a rural town. The town code requires fire flows of 1000 gpm. The two nearest hydrants were tested and gave 650 gpm and 750 gpm. Do towns usually let you bend the rules since their system does not provide required flow? If not...
I am a civil eit so i figured I'd ask in a structural forum. We have an anchor rod running through a concrete deadman. We were not sure what the final angle would be so we spec'd a 2" pvc sleeve to allow for some variance. Didn't think about what size washer plate we needed. Now I am trying...
Anybody had any experience using the ADS/Hancor stormwater products? How did they work out for you? Have any issues getting them permitted? In the permitting process right now and wondering how bad its gonna be.
I am designing utilities for small subdivision and have been given hydrant flow data near the site. I tried using this with EPANET and straight line piping (conservative, assuming no network) but could not maintain fire flow. Now I have to be more specific and take the network into...