Dear All,
here i need a confirmation whether the bus-tie function in MCC is to:
1. connect 2 different rating busbar
2. as an protection,that if one of power supply is fail, the other one can still supply for respective motor.
3. as a connection limit between switchgear and motor controller...
Dear All,
i Have Transformer 25 kVA, 480/240-120, 1 phase, 60 Hz
and having this problem of calculating the nominal for it's secondary breaker. (For MCC purpose, on Load center unit)
i already attach both calculation, and i'm confused, which one should be used/correct, and why?
Need your...
Dear All,
is there anyone knows, that in this attached catalog,
The "maximum amperes" refer to Frame rating or Trip rating?
Thank you very much
Hi all,
found these doubt, hopefully someone can help me with these?
1. in MCC, for the bus bracing (RMS Symmetrical), if the requirement needs 22 kA, can 42 kA works for this and why?
2. Still in MCC, if combination starter unit has : (a)unit interrupting rating and (b) ambient complression...
Dear All,
i'm a new engineer, reviewing technical specification on switchgear(main breaker), and found this term "Distribution : Radial" requirement in Incoming Power Supply, what does it mean anyway?
Thanks before for your answer