What would you call this white stuff on the walls? Some sort of mold? Also, what causes a spall like this, just a bad outer coating?
Its a basement with water issues (standing water on floor). Seems they but a parge coat over the wall, now chipping off. Im thinking its a stone foundation they...
So a resident had a local basement wall company do a inspection, and engineering for a repair. The engineer that stamped it didnt come out, just went of the company rep that looked at it. They got drawings, got a permit, but their mortgage company wont sign off unless a engineer does a...
Im doing some practice modeling a framed building in Risa. For now, I have moment frames each direction. When I just run the self weight model, it gives me wacky results. Im using pin pin at the base.
How do I get "Releases" so I dont end up with the phantom results, and suggestions?
Got a building department saying slab insulation does not provide required R value. Current detail has insulation edge of wall, tapered to a point at the slab top.
New detail is something like this. I dont like it at all (focus on the insulation mainly)
What details are you folks using?
Anyone know what a "pole barn spike" is? Got a 200'x75' pole barn, and the headers each side of the column are fastened with 4" pole barn spikes (no quantity given) and 5-5/16" structural screws.
I doubt thats going to work for a 75' span, but would like to see how many "spikes" it would need.
When retrofitting and adding a steel beam to a residence, it seems to be basic practice to use an adjustable column (threaded end). I was looking at this product https://tigerbrandjackpost.com/floor-jacks/
These seem a temporary or secondary support.
What have folks used in the past?
I need...
Besides the screws from Simpson, is there a "Generic" version that is acceptable? I know Simpson wont suggest any, but is there a compariable screw that is cheaper? Asking for a contractor that now realized he messed up going to face mount hangers instead of top mount.
I am writing a spreadsheet and trying to come up with the values they get. I can match the yield mode values they get. But what is the lateral capacity value? See attached.
Also I cant get the group factor to match. Not sure what values internally they use for wood species. Anyone have a...
Any issue using a top mount hanger for a joist on a double top plate. Seems stupid, but my profile of the joist has a notch in it to make a roof eave, so I dont want to bear on the cut.
my concept:
I have a 1" anchor that needs to be epoxied into a 10" thick wall for a hold down at a shear wall. I tired PROFIS and no go. Is there any literature for deep embedment with epoxies?
Anyone know the limitations of PE licensure in CT? I see there is Civil, Structure 1, Structure 2, SE when applying. I cant find what they can and cannot stamp.
Working on a proposal to rehab an old farmhouse into a commercial type building. two story, with basement. Timber framed with balloon framed walls. Sounds like alot of work to the footings too.
Their budget is 750K
I was going to be at 1.5% plus site visits billed separate. That gives me about...
Bolting up a 12x12 to steel plates. (4)-3/4"dia bolts I am getting a connection capacity. Im coming up with around 12K capacity. Doug Fir, #1. I feel its off. Anyone got a gut check for me? 5" end spacing, 4.25" from sides for bolt spacing.
Have some roof beams posts down to a wall in the floor below at second floor. Architect is ok with the load being distributed by the wall" the second floor joists. Not something I am comfortable with, even if it did "spread out" the joists are parallel with the wall, so its now just a...
Aoyone here local to Ohio and have an idea what wood species would have been used? Central ohio, near Lima (I know thats pretty specific).
Its dimensional lumber. Im not good at identifying wood by looks, unless hardwoods.
Project is re-designing a roof that was damaged in a fire. Whats the best approach for design? Model in software? Obviously what they have works, so is it worth spending the time, or replace in kind with some simpson hangers, angles, etc?
For those sole proprietors out of state, how did you handle the "agent" part of your business application? I see online you can pay someone to do it, is that the only option?
Got a ridge beam on a open deck that comes into end beams. Owner does not want a vertical post in the middle. he is ok with a tie at the bottom.
Playing around with details, I have come down to 2 options. Left is just tie bolts holding everything together, right is a saddle plate weldment for...
Contractor wants to do face hangers on infill inside the steel beam. Do you folks think a detail showing the wood bearing on the flange is required, otherwise the cross grain capacity isnt that good. I have some longer spans, and also some beams framing into the sides. At beam hangers, would...
What are some issues need to check for a log home, and bearing a new beam on the logs? Obviously the bearing point, but can I assume a spreading of the load, say 30 degrees from vertical each way?