is there a way to tell autoGEM to not put nodes on certain edges?
I have a very organic model that is composed of lots of surfaces, some of them have very, very acute vertex angles. If I could effectively remove some of these edge, the mesh would work, and the structural analysis would run...
Can anyone recommend or give the pros/cons of FEA packages for structural FEA of very organic assemblies?
I've been using Pro/Mechanica to simulate the deflection for a given point load of a three part assembly. The problem is: the geometry is created in Alias and are very organic (like...
for the life of me, i can't get two quilts to merge in IDD. i can sucessfully detach them from the imported IGES in IDD. and then outside of IDD, i can merge them. but i would like to do that all inside the import geometry.
either 1) i can't figure out the secret sequence of keyboard pushes...
Have ya'll noticed how slow wireframe mode is? It used to be tons faster than shaded mode (back in the good ol' 2001i^2 days). But now it's painfully slow.
Shaded mode is nice sometimes, but many times I'd rather work in wireframe.
Is there a secret setting I don't know about?
What's the best way to make a C2 curve connect two other curves?
Curve through points work. But it's a pain to tweak this curve (at least it in my my version of WF2) - since you can't drag the control points of a C2 you have to go back to just tangency, drag the single control point, and then...
is there a way to make the drawing dimensions show up as feet & inches, such as 5' 6" instead of 5.5 feet or 66 inches?
trying to use my workstation at work to work on a home addition.....
When you do a component assembly and use "Automatic" for constraint type and pick a plane in the assembly and plane in the component, every now and then "Align Angle" or "Mate Angle" pop up. It basically orients the two planes with an adjustable angle.
It's darn handy, especially considering...
A co-worker and I are trying to work on different parts in the same assembly. Only problem is whoever opens the assembly first locks-down all the parts, and the send can't modify any of the parts in that assembly.
I read the "Help" thing about collaboration, and it talks about changing some...
I have a basic sketch (a line and a tangent arc) that is pretty early in the model. I use it to define many things in my part (top profile, float lines, sweep paths, etc).
Well, afer the model was build, the ID person decided that it should be a line and a tangent spline instead.
Is there an...
I've made this boss and all these support ribs, and I would like to copy all these features onto a different face of my part. It'll require a new sketch plane, and be centered around a different sketch circle.
Is there a fast way to do this? I looked in the help files, and it looks like you...
It's nice having one database (the master-model) control features in parts that rely on other parts. In ProE-land, I make a part, usually just curves and surfaces, and reference just that part for everything else (to avoid circular reference, etc...). In ProE-land, one way is make "publish...
Most of the time, I like to make one sketch that may be used to define different features like lofts or sweeps.
But I can't just select some of the sketch entities to make my feature. It's either all or nothing. So I end up having to create a new sketch, and select just the entities I need to...
There's got to be a way... Here's what I'm trying to do:
I've got a sketch, and it consists of 4 different offset entities (i'm offseting the 4 boundary edges of a surfaces, and they're different offsets so I can make them different).
If I leave it at that, it's fine: I can modify the offset...
Can Pro/E (more specifically version 2001) do a flat pattern of a sheetmetal part that has a complex surface in it?
I have a somewhat spherical emboss in a sheetmetal part, and when I do a flat pattern, it flattens everything but this complex emboss.
Any workarounds?
For the life of me, I can't figure out how to add a round to a sheetmetal part in Wildfire.
In 2001, you could add a solid round to a sheetmetal edge. For example, if you had a flat square sheetmetal part. You can round the 4 edges to make a flat rounded square sheetmetal part.
I had to...
Have you noticed how slow it is to save an assembly in Wildfire? Even if a simple change, like moving one component, happened, it takes up a lot of time and CPU usage.
I wonder why. I've only got 1 gig of RAM, and I've heard you need at least 2. Think that's it?
Is there a way to turn off that huge red square and annoying red lines that pop up when you spin the model? I've looked high and low, and can't find the config option anywhere!
Has anybody tested Pro/E on Linux, or has seen a test of Pro/E on Linux vs. Windows?
My coworker met a guy that works at PTC, and he runs Pro/E on a Windows emulator on an Apple! He said it is just as fast and (more?) stable than Pro/E on Windows.
Anybody have any information?
We just...
I just upgraded my video card to the PNY/Nvidia XGL 700, supporting 2 monitors.
It's great, but my mapkeys are slow! All the drop-down menus and pop-up menus take forever to pull up, so my more complicated mapkeys aren't as 'instant' as they used to be. I have to wait a couple of seconds...