This questions related to feedforward (FF) and feedback (FB) interactions.
Say there's a system who's goal is to keep a car centered in a lane. Say it includes a FF sensor (like detecting sideways wind hitting the car, or an inclinometer to detect the sideways slope of the road), and a FB sensor...
I'm curious about your preferred way to analyze and develop a hybrid feedback control system, where the controller is actually made up of a few unconnected controllers that you switch between. The loop is a standard feedback loop: SP --> SPerror --> controller --> plant --> PV, and PV is fed...
If the reference tracking setpoint is directly coupled to the plant's state, is the system always nonlinear?
What is such a coupled system called?
1) Say you have a fast dynamic system, and the actuator's reference tracking target is given by its position. This is directly coupled.
Eg at 0...
I'm applying feedback to a discretized time-series transfer function in software, to simulate how a physical system moves (there are other ways, I'm doing it this way for a reason).
The step response of the derived time-series system IS what i'd expect when I match it with a matlab "step"...
I'm unclear on why a motor model's step response isn't what i'd expect, when a damping coefficient (b) is varied.
With equivalent closed loop gains, I'd expect a shorter risetime for a motor with less damping...but instead, it looks like closed-loop step responses are identical to that of a...
One of the ways to obtain a minimal realization of a system model transfer function is to create a balanced system first from its corresponding state space equation, and eliminate states with small eigenvalues. To go back to a transfer function, it seems like we'd have to know what the new...