Hi all,
I know this question was asked a few years ago (with no answers) but the thread has been closed so I'm not able to comment on it (see thread330-170605).
Does anyone know where I can find SN data for LM6 aluminium alloy (or any other fatigue/fracture data)? I have the fatigue strengths...
Hi all,
I'm currently working with ANSY WB version 12.0.
I have a steel pipe flange connected to an aluminium casting via three bolts. To simplify the model I have modelled the bolts as beam elements in ANSYS Mechanical using the "connection - beam" functionality and joined my casting hole to...
I have modelled a cantilever beam in Workbench 10mm thick, 100mm long and 30mm wide as shown in the attached picture. I am applying a force at the tip of the cantilever of 100N downwards.
I understand that if I don't have a fillet the analysis will result in a stress singularity at the...
Hi all,
I know it's a bit of a long shot but I thought I would ask.
I am coding up the initial sizing procedure described in section 3.1.4 of Hewitt's Heat Exchanger Design Handbook, "Approximate Sizing of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers" in an Excel spreadsheet.
I've come to the point where I...
Hi all,
I know it's a bit of a long shot but I thought I would ask.
I am coding up the initial sizing procedure described in section 3.1.4 of Hewitt's Heat Exchanger Design Handbook, "Approximate Sizing of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers" in an Excel spreadsheet.
I've come to the point where I...
Hi all,
Attached is a screen grab of the clip used as an example in the ANSYS DesignModeler help in Workbench 12.
I understand that the part is composed of three surface bodies and is then exported to Mechanical where it is meshed but I don't know how it has been meshed. It looks like that...
Hi all,
Working in Workbench 11 - static linear analysis.
I have a steel tube with an aluminium sheet sitting tangentially on top. I am applying a distributed load to the sheet which means I am essentially starting to wrap the Al sheet around the steel tube.
The initial contact is between my...
Hi all,
I'm struggling with an LS DYNA job I'm working on at the moment and would very much appreciate any advice/assistance from someone who might be able to help me.
I am modelling a cabinet sitting on some springs which is subjected to impulse and vibration loading through the foundations...
Hi all,
Having looked through the forums in the past I know the issue of charging rates has been asked on a number of occasions but I would like to request some specific advice from some of those structural engineers (mechanical) out there who have gone it alone. Especially those in the UK.
Dear fellow Engineers,
I have been looking at the forums on this site for quite a while now and have decided to sign up and pose a question. Well, to be honest I'm seeking some advice really!
I graduated from the University of Manchester (UK) with a First Class Degree in Mechanical...