I want to estimate the resistant capacity of metallic tubes of circular section subjected to a longitudinal compression and external pressure calculated by the standard EN 1993-1-6, with non-linear analyzes (Geometrically and Materially non-linear Analysis with Imperfections - GMNIA).
I am performing a nonlinear geometric and material analysis by Ansys APDL on a tube with the application of two loads simultaneously with the respective values:
PC = 150 kN (Axial Compression)
PP = 0,26 kN/cm² (external lateral pressure)
Below are the settings for the analysis in Ansys...
Hello, I need help with my script on Ansys APDL, if possible.
I'm working with two different loads applied to a tube and because of that I need to perform two non-linear analyzes (Geometrically and Materially non-linear Analysis with Imperfections - GMNIA) in sequence.
Basically I...