This is for unreinforced history stone & mass masonry walls. I am looking at a building where a stone failed by splitting. There have been two engineering investigations/reports and they differ in their opinion as to the cause. I've been asked to review both.
Leaving aside their opinions here...
Without going into too many details, I am trying to figure out the requirements for using a steel truss diaphragm in high seismic regions. In particular, I am looking at examples from substantial buildings that were done with flat strap structural steel X bracing, visually I'd estimate the...
I've got some concrete projects in a high wind area (~170mph and exp D). The roofs were supposed to be monolithically pitched to drains. The contractor built them flat and wants to pour a topping slab to achieve the slope. Unless I'm missing something this does not appear to work w/out a silly...
Probably no b&w answer here, just looking for opinions for and against the following argument.
I've got a client looking at a 3 story conc building that is approximately 100yrs old and was originally a manufacturing plant. Based on the column and beam sizes it was intended for very heavy use...
I've got a condition where I need to connect a new steel beam to an existing 24" circular column. Beam rxns are about 30k ultimate. This is a renovation. The original building drawings showed 22" sq. 7ksi columns and we had designed plates with post installed anchors to support the new beam. But...
SDC D, small single story structure. This meets the exception in 341 to allow for an OMF to be used. The provisions do not prohibit the use of HSS, there are no particular requirements for members. I cannot do an r=3 here, not allowed in sdc d.
The client wants all HSS, beams and columns. 341...
341-16 D2-5a states that column splices shall be located 4ft above the beam/column connection. I am not asking why this is useful for erection, for safety, etc. - I get those. I am asking if anyone knows of any commentary or discussion that allows splices at other locations, in particular just...
Anyone have any experience designing blocks for large dry docks? I know that there's a marine eng forum but just checked it and there isn't much activity over there so figured I'd try here first. I am referring to concrete and timber blocks. The design seems fairly straightforward but I'm hoping...
Being lazy here, I have not looked into this much yet but it's a construction issue so in the interest of time I am hoping someone with experience in the design of these walls can give a gut level opinion here before I dive in.
I've got a small new building (1 story steel frame) adjacent to an...
I've got a client and architect that typically use AAC block for the first two courses of their masonry parapets (on cip concrete buildings). Their purpose is the better thermal performance of AAC.
I've never worked with AAC. I see that it's addressed in ACI 530 and the strength design is...
I've got a small building where the client wants a structural steel perimeter frame (light w10's) with cold formed joist infill and cement board subfloor, something like structocrete by usg. This is a very low seismic area and the building is small enough that wind demands on the diaphragm are...
Working on a renovation of an existing building. We have original structural drawings. The original drawings may not be complete and the scans are not great. The roof is steel framed (wf sections) and noted in plan as "Gyp Plank" and in sections/details as "3in. Permadeck Plank", no other...
I don't do a lot of parking structures so looking for some input/opinions on best practices these days. This is in the northeast. This is 1 slab on grade and then 2 elevated slabs (with multi story resi above). My early design recommendation to the client was: increased cover, low w/c ratio...
@JoshPlum - Revisiting this thread. Have you looked into this any more? Where it left off was that the official csi "workaround" to designing slab rebar is to take screenshots of the model and then unlock it and do your design, run it, screenshot, iterate. That's bonkers. You...
Circling back to this thread.
- Can you clarify where I could find the modular codes that you are referring to. My projects are not in any of the states that you mentioned, but I'd be interested in looking at those codes anyway to see if there's anything useful. I...
Anyone know where the 6ft referenced below comes from? I’m not questioning the logic but rather is this codified somewhere? I found a 2nd reputable article that states “between 2x to 4x” the railing height as a cutoff.
Thus, for a balcony with a depth of 6 feet or less, the wind load on the...
I'm looking for practical advice on reviewing connection designs performed in statica.
I have a lot of steel connections that I need to review and sign off on as the EoR that are being performed in statica. This is not a typical delegated design situation where the designer is providing...
For anyone that does evaluations of existing buildings this may be interesting. Check out the google street view of the corner that collapsed, fairly large vertical cracks on both sides of the masonry pier at the corner. There must have been a steel column in there supporting beams over the...
Can anyone point me to a good spreadsheet (already checked steeltools) or fully worked example from which I can build an xls for a welded rectangular HSS-HSS moment connection per Ch K of AISC. The width of the beam and column are either matching or close in width (varies). This is a cantilever...
I'm updating an internal concrete shearwall design spreadsheet and want to make sure I'm not missing anything. There's some inconsistencies between Ch 11 and Ch18 in 318-14 (my locally adopted version of 318). I see that 318-19 acknowledges this and has updated Ch 11 but there still seem to be...