A customer has asked if I can cut solid zinc sheet, between 0.030-0.060" thick. I have done zinc coated pieces before, but...can I even cut this on my CO2 laser? What problems am I going to run into?
I'm starting to hunt around for new laser options. I have a 90's Prima Platino 4KW that is slowly collecting more jumper wires and band-aids than a 40 year old Jaguar. We cut mainly stainless and inconel, up to 0.250". We occasionally cut thicker material- up to 0.625", but not often, and I'm...
Like clockwork, every 2 years or so the laser starts dropping cuts, we get a tech in, and the output coupler ends up being replaced. This is a late 90's Platino 3500 with very low beam-on hours (2300 total). I just shut it down again today because of increasing cut drops and suspect the same...
I'm building a new front suspension for an older kit car that had horrible geometry. This is a double a-arm front suspension, intended to be a road and track car. It is a difficult chassis to work with because the footwell intrudes on the suspension mount area, meaning that the chassis is not...
The owner currently does not run anything but a water/antifreeze mix for the laser chiller. He dislikes the pricey additives and safety concerns with disposal, etc.
How, if at all, does this affect the cooling abilities of the system? Does it create maintenance problems over time? This has me...
Hi guys. I am having a problem trying to manually insert power modulation commands in a little test program. (Big surprise) Would someone be willing to post their power modulation settings for, say, 1/8" stainless so I can take a look?
Hi, new to the world of lasers here. I come from a CMM programming background.
Our company has a Platino 4000W laser running on Windows NT. We are using SiCam v14.1, from 2003, as a laser software.
We are struggling quite a bit with this laser and software. First of all, SiCam is a pain. What...
We have a 2d sketch of an airfoil section. For in-process verification, we need to be able to check the part in the flat state. (These airfoils are formed from a flat blank.)
How can I straighten a curve in SE while keeping its length the same? Will I be able to maintain a relationship between...