The lamination sandwiched between a pair of glasses prepared in a room having a window unit air conditioner and a humidifier gives off bubbles after 4 months. The autoclave is in very good condition for the heating process. I anticipate the prep room may require a review. The walls are timber...
Coring of hardened concrete at 12 days ( at 67% maturity ) for cylinder compression test. Is the result reliable as a depiction of concrete strength. Please let me have your suggestions.
I will be grateful to receive information pertaining to correlation of soundings obtained from Light Cone Penetration test with Standard Penetration Test.
A DCP test is different from LCP. The difference is due to the cone used.
I am comparing results of forces obtained from analysis using StaadIII of Raft foundations versus traditional approach.
Please email to me the input file of any raft foundation on Staad III, if u happen to have one, at the following email address:
I am looking for technical information/experience to share on how to tackle damp rising in old historic buildings. Construction of walls in stones held together with mud and lime mixed mortar. During rainy periods water table is almost above foundation level.
Existing building has neither...