The Rogun Dam will be at el. 1300 m when finished. Presently it is "known" as 335 m high but the actual foundation base was el 962 instead of the "design" el. 965 - so it could be called 338 m high. The Core will be where the RCC Pad...
G'day mates,
Just wondering if someone has the plasticity chart in excel already done so that I can add multiple data points on it.
Would appreciate if you do.
bohicafrie gmail
I have always understood that the clay size particles were those considered less than 0.002 mm. If one "googles" all the answers seem to confirm this. Yet, ASTM D422 indicates that clay size particles are less than 0.005 mm and colloidal particles are less than 0002 mm.
This is not addressed...
I do not have access to ASTM D6938. Years ago, I remember that if one is using the troxler in a coarse soil (I am talking about 70% greater than #200 sieve, that one would take three readings with the nuclear guage but rotating the machine around the inserted rod by 120 deg - so that 3 readings...
G'day all ! ! !
Having a bit of fun with one of my colleagues . . when using "pi" in a calculation - do most of you use 3.14 - or 3.14159 or . . . Has anyone seen ASTM or EN actually define the "pi" value in calculations. I can't seem to find anything . . .
For my British mates although the Canucks, Yanks and others can add their 2 cents or twopence to the thread.
ASMT C 172 requires sampling of fresh concrete to be a composite sample whereby the initial 10% and last 90% of the discharge is ignored and not used.
EN 12350-1 permits spot or...
Hey all,
A mate of mine (a very good engineer with more than 50 years in engineering - hydro mainly) took this picture from his Kuala Lumpur Apartment - he had no idea what it is and I do not know either. Any thoughts??
G'day all
Every specification says that shotcrete needs to be cured. Some exceptions if the humidity is greater than 85% or 90%.
As kind of an unscientific poll, in practice, how many of my colleagues have actually seen shotcrete cured?
G'day All
According to ACI 506.2, shotcrete cores are required to be graded - Grade 1 = excellent; Grade 5 = lower than whale excrement at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.
I do not have access to BS EN 14487 (shotcrete) but am hoping that someone can simply advise me if the BS EN standards...
When visiting my mum for the holidays, she forced me to do word searches - she's 95 and thinks it is good for the brain. So, collegues and friends, attached find one that I made up...
G'day colleagues.
I have attached a file that might interest you. I am off to America to see my mum but will be staying in touch!
Cheers - and Merry Christmas to those who celebrate...
G'day Colleagues,
Some may think that this should be in the Concrete Forum, but I prefer to hear from geotechs on the issue - as I know y'all read both anyway.
If you were to specify a compressive strength for foundation dental concrete or concrete for rock reconstruction, what cylinder...
G'day wherever you might be!
I am looking for sourcing a double probe nuclear density gauge for Roller Compacted Concrete density testing.
Any leads would be helpful . . . there are some advantages of the double probe over the single probe for the RCC work.
G&G Consultants is probably the premier large geotechnical engineering company in Malaysia with some fine engineers. They regularly write papers on their projects and the link below is to a page on their web site that gives a full list of their published papers many of which are downloadable...
Just wondering if anyone has heard/read about limiting the amount of crushed boulders being put into a rockfill embankment/dam - with special emphasis, perhaps, on expected settlements when inundated or subjected to high intensity seismic. We are talking the crushing of 400 to 700 mm boulders...
Looking for the good folks of Europe/UK. On the project on which I am working, concrete samples are cast in 150x150x150 cubes - not US/Canada style cylinders. (All dimensions given in mm.) The Contractor's Laboratory and myself are having a bit of difference on the details of casting.
Have there been any changes in the chemical or mechanical properties of portland cement from C150-04 until latest? Just wondering. Trying to compare a Russian Spec to ASTM
Here's a short video on a massive cable stayed bridge project - interesting how, the one side is no good so no foundation but the other side is but seems kind of close to the edge of the cliff though for the foundation. Thought it might be interesting to see . . ...