I have seen installation of these antennas which were not properly supported in the lateral direction, and yes they did vibrate leading to cracking in the skins. And if possible, I would always recommend installation to an area not on the pressure hull. Let avionics workout how to get the Coax...
There is a program called RapidC which you might find helpful in this instance. Although not currently endorsed by the FAA (was in the past), its a nice tool to double check hand calcs.
Info on RapidC can be found here:
Interesting result from the thickness measurements pre and post peening. Ultrasonic thickness measurement was conducted (accurate to the nearest thou) which indicated the thickness of the item POST peening INCREASED at some points by only a thou. This can be attributed to the roughening of the...
Thanks for the help. The part is to be peened following a corrosion blendout to restore the surface finish to OEM spec. The component is a 7000 series machined item with a thickness of .070" to .115" in the area concerned.
It does appear the change in material thickness will be negligible...
I am working with a part with a recommended Intensity Range (in Almen 'A') of .002 to .006 inch. I gather Almen refers to the deflection of an Almen strip when undergoing the same peening process as the part to be shot peened:
Does anyone have a rough idea as to how much the thickness of a part is reduced by shot peening? Is it really measurable or only in the order of 1/10th of a thou?
If this is a substantial dimension (say .001" on a .050" thick part) is this area considered loss for a net tension analysis? Or is...