If I want to model an infiltration system using rainfall generated by another program, for the univrsal rational hydrograph, how do I input the data from the other program (VTPSUHM) into HydroCAD?
When using the rational method, I want to create a modified rational hydrograph where the storm duration is 3 times the TC. The rising limb is 1 times Tc and the falling limb of the trapezoidal hydrograph is 8 times the Tc so the total length of storm event is 11 times the Tc. If I run the...
The hydroCAD 9.0 report shows error message #93 - storage range exceeded by 1.93 feet (100 year storm). The stage storage data cannot be extended to a higher elevation and more storage volume, because of lack of area for a larger pond. With this error message reporting, are the outflow numbers...
I am a new user of HydroCAD. My model consists of a series of subcatchments each draining into a pond with discharges from each pond flowing into the next downstream pond. I provided the TC of each subcatchment by direct input of a time computed by a segmental approach. Each small pond takes...
multiple bioinfiltration swales are linked in a series. How do you model for the changing time of concentration as each subcatchment area contributes runoff, each swale fills up and then spills over into next downstream bioinfiltration swale with its own subcatchment area. I have tried pairs...