Also, some of the anti-sieze is D.C. MP-50, some is G67 Molykote, some is G-N Metal Assembly Paste. None of them seem to work on 17-4 to 17-4. But keep in mind we are torquing these parts to a couple hundred foot pounds, and they are being assembled and disassembled multiple times by the...
At the moment we use both an 1100 and an 1150 HT, depending on the model. And we do burnish the threads, but we are limited to cutting them. Its hard to roll interior threads, especially on some of our smaller tube products.
Bare minimum we would need fluid viscosity to figure the compliance through that pipe... Plus we'd need the dimensions of the pipe to factor volume for the compression/damping of the fluid. Frequency is going to be a key element here. Like BigInch said, at a high frequency, you're piping will...
Thanks Steve, I saw that before, but wasn't sure how the temperature, pressure, and stress would effect my application.
Aaron, we currently use a proprietary grease that seems to be more of an assembly tool than anything. Doesn't make a lick of difference for galling at the stresses we're running.
I'm in the process of doing a material analysis on some downhole products for the oil and gas industry. We thread the pieces of this component together, and it see's around 30ksi of pressure (which is balanced both inside and outside the tube). Our problem has been galling between these pieces...