I am trying to use a diamond-tip engraving tool to drag engrave some hardened materials. Does anyone have a suggestion of what to use to get NX to generate a good toolpath (E.G. fixed contour, flowcut, etc.)? Also, NX didn’t like it when I tried to assign the tool a diameter of zero, but the...
Thanks Mr. Rief for the explanation of what steep is used for! Unfortunately, I'm still having trouble with the tool not engaging. I made a simple block to test it on that had 0.01" deep slots in it. The first slot was 0.0625" wide and each slot thereafter was widened by an additional 0.0005"...
I have two novice questions about CAM in UGS NX. The first is that when I attempt to generate a tool path, I often get the error message "the part cannot be cut at any levels" when the mill tool isn't significantly smaller than what it is trying to remove. For example, I might be attempting to...