Thanks. I figured that was a viable/probable solution, I just didn't know if there was anything designed specifically for that type of application. The Parker hydraulic/pneumatic handbook is 400+ pages of seals, and that interface isn't even mentioned.
Hi All,
While I've got a bit of experience incorporating standard o-rings and grooves into designs for low-pressure plumbing equipment, I've recently been thrust into a bit of fluid power stuff as well.
I'm struggling to find information about best practices for creating a robust and...
here is a summary of railroad tresspass laws in every state published by the FRA (Federal Railroad Administration), though it may be out of date. Things have goten worse post-9/11. Every train has a radio, and every railroad maintains it's own police force...
Bit more information on railbiking below. Guy even sells wheels and plans for building pedal or motor powered carts:
If you want a rail-capable bike because you can (maybe) go places a normal bike can't, that's one thing. But it sounds more like you are just trying to make a more efficient bike. What's the point of eliminating the rolling resistance in search of efficiency, only to add additional...
Typical OD tolerance on DOM is ~+.005" for 1.25" OD, and ~+.007" for 2.5" OD. Not sure about the tolerance on the laser cut diameters, but I will inquire with the supplier.
Chamfers on the tube ends can be done on parts that are made on the lathe, but some are "dumb" tubes saw-cut to length...
I've begun a new role designing some weldments (new to me) and hoping to get a bit of input regarding how best to design them for fit-up and welding.
We frequently have DOM tubing "piercing" through a flat steel plate. The tubing is typically 1.25"-2.5" OD, and the plate is typically .375"-.5"...
I work in an very closely related field (although I've only been at it a couple months), and also have a cycling background.
Some considerations:
1) First and foremost, where will you ride it? Railroads don't take kindly to trespassing on their right-of-ways. Hard to go on a 60 mile...
Brought a couple samples of commercially available work and described my contributions during various project phases. I think the impact was good and the audience was appropriate. Seems to have been well received as I've been asked to come back.
Thanks for the quick feedback. I think you've echoed what I was already assuming about it being a good idea to read the situation, pace, and background of the person I'm speaking with. Being relativity early-career I wanted to make sure I wasn't going to be breaching some code of interview...
I have an upcoming interview for a product engineering role. I'm currently in a similar role (but an unrelated industry). My skillset and experience level (~5 years) are well aligned with their requirements. From an earlier phone interview it sounds like a good fit both personally, and...