Hi all,
I am trying to implement a user-defined element deletion criteria in vumat. However, I still want to use ABAQUS material constitutive model. Basically, I only want to use VUMAT to update the element deletion variable and do not update the stress. Is there anyone knowing how to do this...
Hi All,
I just did a simple test for job recover feature in ABAQUS/Explicit. I set the interval number for restart output and selected "overlay" opinion.
Then I run simulation for a while and killed the simulation. Then I choose "recover" type in ABAQUS/CAE job editor and resubmit the job...
Hi All,
I am trying to simulate cutting process using combined Eul and Lag Methods. The workpiece is simulated as Eulerian domain and cutter is simulated as
Lag domain. The cutter and workpiece interaction is gereral contact. The problem I found is the materials in the element under the cutter...
Hi all,
I want to simulate crack propagation using abaqus. My idea is to add surface-based cohesive behavior to all
the faces between elements. Thus, different element can be separaed. I have very regular mesh. Could anyone let me know how to define the surfaces between elements? Thanks.
Hi All,
For DP cap model in ABAQUS (also called plasicity cap model, it says the linear shear failure surface is perfect plastic and no hardening. In my thought, no hardening means the yield surface will not change. However, the non-associate flow function is given to the linear shear failure...
I am trying to use plasticity cap (DP cap) model IN abaqus. Now I want to also couple it with damage model to model the failure of the element.
Does anyone know what damage model I can use. I tried damage model for metal and it says it is only for DP model without cap.
Hi All:
I am trying to write a FE code. I want to ask what numerical method is suitable for solving matrix inverse when I use newton raphson method to solve large nonlinear equations. The number of equations I have is ~10000. Thank you very much! BTW, in abaqus, what method is used?