I would like to point out that this is not a combined system, it is strictly sanitary, and the wet weather flow is a result of I&I. The interceptor collects from multiple communities over a very large area.
As far as only accepting 14 cfs, and none of the wet weather flow, that agreement is...
Hi, I am currently working on something very similar to the thread you referenced, and the parameters are actually eerily similar to that thread. We have a community that treats its own sewage, and their WWTP is only at about 1/3 of capacity, there is potential to divert flow from a nearby...
Thank you for your quick responses.
HDD through the hill for a full gravity option has been considered, however the size of the pipe, 36", and the subsurface conditions make this not feasible. It would be roughly 60 feet deep. Others have arrived on the conclusion of a forcemain up to the top...
A community I am working with, who treats their own sewage, has a very large, undersized, sewage interceptor running through it serving a greater metropolitan area. The community has a ton of extra capacity at their WWTP and there is opportunity to divert 14 cfs of normal flow, up to 47 cfs of...