Hi All,
Please i need assistance again on the subject of blowdown system on pressure vessel. I am involved in an LPG plant project where we have a pressure vessel (cold pressure separator) operating at a pressure greater than 300 psig. The detailed designer has omitted blowdown line/valve on...
Thanks gentlemen, The drain line to the closed drain has been removed. Any situation that will require draining that leg will require a total process shutdown and the vessel can drain into the de-ethaniser tower where it normally feeds. decasto and sshep thanks again.
We also have a Dew pointing plant that has molecular sieve beds as dehydrator. Our regeneration is similarly done through heated gas from a fired heater. I once looked through the heater and all i saw was some woolly insulation materials and not a concreted material. This fired heater...
Please i need to be advised on draining the cold separator Vessel downstream of the a turbo expander in an LPG plant. I have been told that this is not a safe practice to drain into the closed drain system. What is proposed by design is to drain this vessel to the atmosphere. Please i...