Adding to the now closed thread731-128581, what are some of your most used, non-electronic, tools and for what purpose? Some of the tools that are almost always in my pocket or close-by:
Finger nail/mechanical pencil - Surface roughness
SDS-0200 Carbide Probe (dia. 0.02") - Surface Defect...
FWIW, ASTM F2215-08 (Standard Specification for Balls) is what I generally call out along with specific material, but there are still other issues I have to spec out above and beyond this. And, giving any spec requirement overseas doesn't mean anything. Those guys bet you won't check the...
I am using 2 & 2.5 inch 52100 balls. At this size, it's at the border of cold forge/hot forge and typically requires at least two hits. Purchasing is looking for cheap (don't get me started on this...) so we are looking at cheap balls from Asia and don't have any information on them. Experience...
Thanks for the replies Aaron and Terry. Terry, by grain refinement, do you mean that the grain flow should still be visible, just smaller grains are there?
Is it possible to detect, non-destructively, the forging grain flow within a steel (52100) bearing ball? Would heat treatments, such as post-forge Spherodize anneal and hardening heat treatments remove the grain flow?