A diesel generator of 4000kva connecter on auto to its idle bus normally, but after auto connection of 1st load of 410 kW its output current & voltages became zero and afterword the power of EDG could not be restored, it was disconnected.
after some time EDG was started manually and loaded...
02 Power plants (#1 & #2)are running in parallel, All grid parameters are normal but internal le we are facing some fluctuation in the generator parameters as mentioned below:
* Excitation Current & Voltage of 100HZ.
* DC Voltage & Current of Generator rotor.
* Generator Phase A/B/C...
in the 1st attempt it take about 18 Sec. to reach the required RPM while in the subsequent attempt with in 05 to 10 minutes, it reached the required RPM < 10Sec. the frequency of the surveillance test is one week for the problematic engine.
this shows that the problem is in mechanical not in...
We have 03 mtu EDGs of the same type having model # 12V 956 TB33.
Recently we are facing problem in our one EDG Engine , the problem is delayed starting of EDGs, it takes about 20 Sec. to reach its required RPM, while our requirement is, that the engine must start and reach at required RPM...