thanks alot ..I did it already the first trail I used swept along guide ..then I used Swept and in the option I used normal to face and the selected the the cylinerical(side) face of the cylinder that I need to make the thread on it ...thanks alot for reply
I have a tooth profile and I want to sweep it along the helix to form the thread but there is something wrong ...cause the profile rotates with the helix !!
Yes Micky I did this, the master part is deformable and a part family. But when i created the library using the master part file it doesn't ask which length the spring should be any more.
Hey guys
I'm building a compression springs library and I want to make then length of the spring be the distance between two faces I choose in the assembly -while constraining- without assigning any expressions manually and I don’t know how to do it :D
In other words, I want to drag the...