I've been asked to put together a simple demo showing a Bottom Up modeling methodology and how we could automate such a process. The demo would consist of a simple window with input fields to drive a couple of dimensions and pick some features. This would drive the macro to grab some template...
To Gunman
I think there is a problem as I've modeled my fabrications as an assembly. When I try to Extract Geometery, it wants to grab geometery from the assembly file. Is this still an option?
Just a little overview of my data structure.
1. Multi sheet drawing file showing both Fabricated...
I like the idea Dave described. Historically, the company produced a single drawing in the finished state but we had numerious problems with Production as the Engineer was responsible for specify the raw material and often they got it wrong. I'm currently using this technique with Inventor and...
I want to create a multi sheet drawing showing the fabrication state for the welders on one sheet and the machined state on another sheet. Is this accomplished with reference sets or a family table?
I did this in SolidWorks using Configurations (family table) to suppress the machined features...
Can anyone tell me why my assembly cut will show correctly one time and then disappear in the graphics window later on? I modeled my tool body and did the Insert | Combine | Assembly Cut and it works fine (had a few tweaks at first). I have one sketch creating three profiles that cut three...
I have thought of Deformable parts but these would only exist in the context of the assembly. I'm also looking at dumping an accurate CAD BOM into an MRP system and would need to have the correct length specific part number (metadata).
I guess I want to mimic a family table without making a...
I have a part (shaft) that can be of any length and is defined by a single drawing with an "L" for length. Since we have moved NX8.5 from 2D, we need discreet models of each length but I don't want to copy and modify so I thought of using a Family Table. The problem is that the new lengths are...