I would like to set an initial stress state in a multilayered shell model, but I have a few questions:
1) Is there a difference between the Gauss integration point, Eint, and the section integration point number, ParmInt? I have been referencing integration points using ParmInt
2) How...
I would like to model the amount of thermal residual stress in a multilayered shell element due to changes in processing temperature. I've looked around and found several options, most of which come close to what I'm looking for but not quite (e.g. SHELL163 supports temperature v time...
I have also considered using the max number of integration points for a shell, but I am not sure how to access these points for stress evaluation. What is the command for this, if it exists?
Thanks a bunch!
From what I can gather, these commands can only be used in a script? It doesn't seem to recognize it when I type it into the ANSYS command prompt.
I would like to find the stress distribution through the thickness of a multilayered Shell281 composite, which in my coordinate system is the z-direction. At the moment, I have shell elements associated with attributes of rectangular areas to produce the geometry I want. However, I...
I would like to be able to retrieve the node number closest to a set of coordinates x,y,z and be able to retrieve the stress at each node that I select. I've read about inverse get functions and that NODE(x,y,z) should do the job, but I do not see such a function in the ANSYS...
I've run into a problem in the loads/solutions of my model. I want to model a multilayered composite out of shell281, of which one layer is non-uniform (i.e. it has a non-zero thickness in some areas and a zero thickness in others). To accomodate this, I've created separate areas...
This might be a simpler set up to debug-considering just one kind of section and assigning it to the formed area before meshing :
Hello all!
A question on commands like AATT. I'm trying to make a multilayered shell281 structure with different materials in each layer with contact and target elements. The tricky part is that one layer is not uniform in thickness but is more of a sinusoidal block function, so I've split the...