I am welding two plates that are at right angle to each other as shown on the attached. I am not sure how to show the groove weld symbol. Could somebody check whether the symbols shown are correct. I want the welded edge on the right hand side to be flushed/smooth by grinding. Thanks...
I am reviewing a calculation for the design of mild steel spreader plate (or precast concrete padstone) for a steel beam to be supported on a masonry wall. Calculations are done as per BS5628. I believe, factored loads should be used to check the stresses under the padstone/spreader plate...
I am trying to model a communication (Telephone cable), in STAAD, strung between to points which are not at the same elevation. I know the properties of the cable (Area, Density, Modulus of Elasticity and initial tension at two ends under the self loading) but I don't know the sag and the cable...
Thanks r1957. This is my first Fatigue problem, I wonder if you could suggest any text book/paper for some back ground reading. I have gone through the Eurocode by wasn't able to figure out on how to approach this problem. Thanks
I am trying to do a fatigue analysis of a simply supported steel plate and its supporting members. Plate spans between two beams which are fixed/anchored to underside of a over-bridge. See attached sketch. Plate will be subjected to wind loading w kN/m2 (wind load and suction from passing...
I am designing a concrete frame structures, 2x3 columns, total height is 6m with stagging at 3m. The concrete platform at 6m above ground level will support plastic tanks (used for water storage) I am not sure which section of BS6399 is applicable for calculations of wind load on the concrete...
could somebody help me to model correctly back to back angle sections in STAAD. I am using BS5950:2000 and angle sections fail in Slenderness Ratio using BS 5950. I have read a thread on bently website but still can't resolve this issue. Angles are to be welded not bolted to columns. Could...
I am using indirect method of designing culvert (reinforced concrete pipe) as per Clause Formula for D-load does not include self weight of the pipe. Could somebody advise why is this not included. It makes a big difference in my case.If I consider pipe self weight, pipe class goes up...
KootK, Yes this is a cantilevered goal post
WannabeSE. Thanks for the reply. Please note that I am new to American codes, normally I use British or Euro codes. At the moment I am really struggling to understand the concept/philosophy of the overstrength factor. Added to that confusion is that...
I wonder if somebody could help me to understand the design of anchor bolts, in tension, in concrete and provisions of ACI318-11. I am trying to understand Clause D3.3.4.3 for lets say the following case:-
Design of base plate and anchor bolts for a simple goal post (Steel Frame) supporting a...
Thanks for the reply. I have found BD42/00 from UK Highways Agency Link, which answers my questions, though I still need to find out a quick way on deciding the initial size (thickness or dia) of these walls. Check this link, I think you will find it useful.
I wonder if somebody could guide me to initial sizing of secant pile/wall and diaphragm wall required for a lets say 3-storey basement each with clear height of 4m. Assuming c=o and phi= 35. How can I calculate the reinforcement. Could somebody quote any text book/reference. Most of the books...
Hi structSU10 . Thanks for the reply. I am looking for equations to find out the following parameters:- f11.1; f11,2; f7,1; f7,2; f9,1; f9,2; S1; S2, (alpha) and L (Alpha-L)
I have recently started reading “Design of structures and foundations for vibrating machines by Suresh Arya, Michael O’Niell and George Pincus. I wonder if somebody could help with the following queries:-
1. Table 1-4 on page 13 gives various expressions for Constant Force Excitation (CFE) and...