For example, would it be possible for this unit to send a radio wave of data from Los angeles, and then have a receiver be able to pickup the signal in SF?
Thanks for the advice everyone...this is a great start! One more question, what if we were able to plug this unit into an electrical outlet. Would it be possible to provide a large enough wireless signal so that we could monitor these gauges from very far distances (imagine a beacon on top of a...
Hi all,
My knowledge of electronics is very limited and I'm just wondering about the feasibility of a certain setup before I hire a contractor to design the apparatus. What I have is a simple strain gauge...
Well if plastic deformation is modeled as a constant volume process in steel, than this might not be a good method. The part is designed to yield in the middle, so I'm wondering if we could take ultrasonic readings just in the center of the part and record these values, and then test the part...
Since it seems like the general consensus from everyone is to use dimensional analysis to determine if the part yields, is there a quick and easy way to take accurate density readings of the part before and after yielding? Since we inspect these parts before they go into service, it wouldnt be...
The load is only around 500 pounds. At this load the tip of the ram will not experience any appreciable deformation on the surface of the nail. I agree with you guys in thinking that crosshead displacement should be more than adequate for this test. Thanks for the help.
Note: under section 6.4 in the standard it says that a Recording Device must be used and is any device with at least a reading of 0.001 in. (0.025mm) during deformation. The reading on our crosshead travel does report to the nearest thousandth so I'm wondering if we will be okay here...
Hi all,
It was requested that I setup a bending yield test for nails (ASTM F1575) and I was sent the fixture for doing so. I am using an MTS test machine but it is not equipped with an extensometer. The standard states that I must take a "5% of the nail diamter" offset from the yield line and...
Thanks for the comments Maui and kenat. To answer your question Maui, the issue isn't wearing out or breaking of the bit, but it's more a function of speed. The competitors part is able to drill through 1/4" steel plates much quicker than our part, and also requires less load behind the drill. I...
Hi All,
I have a rather complex part that has a long cylindrical protrusion in the shape of a drill bit. This drill bit section will be used to drill through thick sections of steel when the part is in service. Currently, the part is made of 1022 and case hardened to 50-53 with an effective...