I've had such a thing happen more than once, and it seems repeatable on the installation of SolidWorks we have here. But, thanks for the suggestion. I'm now using a reference axis, as suggested, and things are working much better. I suppose the nuances of this installation seem to prefer just...
Additionally, when I try the "bodies to pattern" (if I have the extrude as a separate body and do a subtraction), it lets me select the sketch, but only the entire 3-D sketch, and not just the axis on that sketch. Thus, it seems to just pick an arbitrary axis through the sketch on which to take...
The axis indeed shows after the feature pattern, so I changed the order in the tree so the axis occurs before the feature I want to pattern, and it still does not work. Additionally, I tried to 'select other' and the option to even select the axis in the sketch, or the sketch itself for that...
Oops, that's strange. I definitely uploaded it, but it seems to have not posted to my previous post. Let me try again. Here:http://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=91ce6cc6-07d4-42e0-89c6-081748dabd37&file=TestPart.SLDPRT
Gupta65, both of your options look the same to me. I want to do, basically, that. I have a bunch of objects and drawings that have a certain property called PartNo or Drawing Number, and I want to rename the first part of the string for all those parts. If I cannot do that, I want to at least...
I am not sure if I can use a pack and go, because I just want to modify the drawings at this point. I will do another pack and go to see if I can group the drawings together and link them up with the parts a little bit better.
I think I might need a macro for this, because I have done extensive searching and I have not found precisely what I want.
I have parts with the PartNo set to XXX-XXXX-M001 and I want to, say, rename them all to something like CAT-DOGS-M001, changing the first 8 characters in the string. I am...
Here, Updraft, I made a customized part where you can see what I want to do, though this is a simplifed version. I tried to make a 3-D sketch with the axis in it, but that did not work. Attempting to pattern it about the sketch just patterns the body the wrong way, and there is no option to...
I made a line and turned it into a construction line. Unfortunately, this file is on a network that I cannot distribute out to the public. Is a construction line not an axis? (Construction Geometry)
I am trying to make a circular pattern about a rectangular prism. Basically, I want to make identical cuts into the sides of this prism. I figured that a circular pattern of 90 degrees would make the 4 cuts I need.
So, I created a sketch that consisted of an axis that ran through the center...
So, because of version control and disorganization in the team, rerunning the Pack-n-Go is not possible. So, what's a good plan B? I have no problem redimensioning the drawings if I have to. Is there a way I can right click one of the blank views and reassign the object it is referring to...
I did a "Pack and go" for my solidworks assembly, and I moved the drawings over. However, the drawings still reference the files in the original location, and do not reference the new files. How do I change my SolidWorks drawings so they refer to the parts that are actually in the new folder...
Thanks, this makes sense. I did not quite understand why people used multi-body parts, until I looked more thoroughly into the documentation, and it seems to be based on configuration management.