One possible solution might be to run both tubes up the side of the tank and end somewhere above the level of water inside the tank and have them both open to atmosphere. That way the reference pressure for both tubes is atmospheric and no calibration is required. The water column connected to...
After doing some research, it appears that the requirement of 125 AARH is a holdover from the past. The 1988 edition of B16.5 specified a flange face surface finish of 125-500 AARH and it wasn't until the 1996 edition that it was changed to 125-250 AARH. I expect the special finish was a...
We're installing some new 2500# piping in hydrogen service and we have several RFWN joints. ASME B16.5 2009 states that the flange faces shall have a surface finish from 125 to 250 AARH but our plant specifications state that the finish must be 125 AARH. The gaskets we're using are 1/8" spiral...
From what I've been able to discern, it appears that the API series of valve trim numbers are defined in API 600 and 602. Are there any other sources that define the trim number? The reason I ask is that we were recently supplied with a 3/4" CL 2500 check valve, trim 16. API 600 is only for gate...
I've been working on specifying a wye pattern globe valve and I've noticed that it seems quite common in valve catalogs to specify these valves as class 1690 and class 2680. Are these classes related in any way to the ASME 16.34 valve classes? I cannot find a spec anywhere that uses these...