Yes, you are right, it is.
But a nobody can build a safe, reliable house, let it be a skyscraper, on a lousy foundation. So before I can do anything I must make sure I understand the foundations in all details.
So please answer the simple questions, you will see they are not as 'silly' as...
What I expected: what you find in literature: like Newton's gravity law : F :: 1/r^2. Or if you prefer to express that different: In a rotatory symmetric system {\nabla\cdot B == 0} everywhere, the same since there is no source or sink of B outside the magnets.
On log-log paper that gives a...
I mave measured attraction versus distance, my results are a little unexpected and I want to compare mine with someone else's. But I do not know he did similar experiments. If someone could give me a person's name, I will be grateful.