I want open archive from NX-8 at 3d Max 2012, I use to import the IGES file, but the NURBS at 3d Max it's no good, the surface have a deffects and something it's wrong.
Someone know the way to export a NX-8 file to 3d Max 2012 and keep the quality surface?
I'm a new user at Unigraphics NX8, and i need create a rendering with lights, lights like a Fluorescent Lamp, someone Knows the way to do it??
The efect that i want create is like this video:
at minute 13:27 show the tubes reflected in the car...
We need modify the NX Cameras, it's possible modify the caracteristics by programing in Visual Studio?
Our problem it's this:
We need change the Field of View, it's ok, but NX allows change only one fiel, vertical or horitzontal, when you change the vertical, the horitzontal change...