I have an exhaust fan, sucking from a straight line through the corridor.
in the line, there are branches coming from the rooms.
1 corridor, 3 rooms, i am collecting air from each room, in the same duct.
do i consider pressure drop at the branches? or consider it as a straight duct till the...
a very quick question.
When you have a straight duct going out from an Exhaust Fan. Do you consider pressure loss at the branches that are feeding to the main line. ( index run)
if there is a grill at the duct run, do you consider any pressure loss for it?
While calculating the pump head in a closed loop chilled water system, you consider
1) the height of the building, in our case the 150 m, as static pressure.
2) dynamic head, the system losses (chillers,thus...etc)
Assume the longest route with all its fitting losses is 10 bar, and building...
In a Chilled water system, how do you calculate your head? ( what are the different types of head)
- The building is 150 meters high. Does that go in for the head caluclation?
Another question, if the pump is switched off, system full of water, what would be the reading on the gauge before...