okay, so i've tried this macro from original thread:
Option Explicit
Public Enum swSkSegments_e
swSketchLINE = 0
swSketchARC = 1
swSketchELLIPSE = 2
swSketchSPLINE = 3
swSketchTEXT = 4
swSketchPARABOLA = 5
End Enum
Dim Total As Integer
Sub main()
@Handleman: thanks for the fast response, i haven't tried it yet but i think it will work. i'll write some reports when i've tried it.
@Thetick: it's okay, Handleman got the link to the original thread. All i need is the macro for counting sketch elements. Thanks for your concern.
Hello everyone,
Right now, i'm using VB.net 2010 and Solidworks 2011 to make SW VB addin that needs the number of lines used in a part.
I did some research about this problem and found an addin in <http://www.esoxrepublic.com/freeware/> called Madmango's sketch census tool and it looks like...