By stand-alone, do you mean that you just switch from Modeling to Drafting to get from your model to your drawing (with regard to the first portion of your post)? I'm guessing the table concept will work for this, but in the "Master-model" approach you need to link the drawing to the...
When you create a new drawing from the part, the drawing points to the part and makes some sort of relationship, I would think that there would be a way to use that relationship to automatically link all the expressions to from the Model(child) to the Drawing(parent).
Basically, have the "Bar"...
NXOpen might be an option, although it looks like a lot of coding is involved and I've only written in MATLAB and Excel (not really programming). I've also attempted writing a Macro (and Journals per John's recommendation, but to no avail) to link expressions and had limited...
Hi John,
I know how to generate the note/relationships manually via relationsips (I probably learned how to from the forums you've written in [smile]). My goal is to create a drawing template such that when I create a "bar" drawing from that template, it automatically creates those...
I'm wondering if there's a way to automatically generate dimensional relationships (via User Expressions) between a drawing and it's child/model, so you could create a note similar to the following example:
You are in a company that makes thousands of different size bars. All your NX models...