Constanteffort- The only way I'd move and then look for work is if my Fiance found a position first. We are both employed up here and we are both looking to find jobs before our lease is up on our town home here. We are really basing our decision off of basically what Latexman stated. Along with...
I'd pay to relocate myself, I have the funds. I just need to know where there is opportunity to find a job. I wouldn't want to uproot and leave just to be unemployed there. I was looking at the west coast, or the south. I'm just looking to go experience something new for myself rather than stay...
I live in Minneapolis, MN. I just graduated from college with an Degree in Engineering Drafting and Design. I was looking to move in the upcoming months but am unaware of where there are good markets for young designers. I am open to any suggestions, I would love to hear about what type of...