Thanks Gentlemen, as this is what I thought but I always like to ensure my thoughts.
Ed, I don't get annealed properties from the mill, just the solution and precip, to ensure it meets the spec. mins.
The mill had ESR at 90hrs, the Tensile properties were well over the mins.
The mill actually...
How does the grain size influence the stress rupture life in this material? Can too fine be bad (ASTM #11-12)?
Heat Treat was: 1775 F +/- 25F 1hr at temp, fan air cool. 1325F 8hrs furnace cool to 1150F hold at 1150F until total precip. time is 18hrs then air cool. Material was had a final...
metengr, thanks for the resource to review, this will be very helpful for me.
TVP, I have 2 specs and a PO requirement to comply with, the RC 32-38 comes from the PO, even though the 2 specs only give min hardness requirements to meet one is Rc28, the other Rc29. Solution temp to be 1650F...
I have a drawing note that says: ETA Phase to be .004" Maximum. this is for a forging which is supplied in the heat treated condition RC 32-38. Based on my limited knowledge of this phase I will assume like all metallurgy this phase is developed during the forging temperature and operation...