lol. Thanks @Stevenal, not exactly what I'm looking for entertaining nonetheless.
That said, thanks for all the suggestions! I'll try to explore some of these avenues but I think my biggest hurdle will be getting someone to allow me to come by and record this type of equipments/events. Who...
Thanks so much for the reply!
I've recorded jacob's ladders and a few "small tesla coils". They sound good but a little more buzzy than what I'm looking for. I'm a total novice but I'd assume events like the one in the video link below are happenstance and or can't be replicated easily or...
Hi All,
I feel like a tourist in this forum as I am a sound engineer and sound effects recordist. A mechanical engineer friend of mine turned me onto these forums in hopes to help with a project. I am looking to record the sound of electrical arcing. I understand this is a somewhat silly...