I had another brain wave. Would it be possible for me to just put a resistor in parallel across the kill switch circuit to achieve what I want to do?
I just want the motor to cut out when it gets above a certain RPM. I was thinking maybe just an adjustable pot?
I had a look today with a MM and I see that the kill switch circuit hovers around 8V at about 60Ma on full revs so I have decided not to take a signal off that after all.
Instead I set up an Ardunio with one of the freetonics hall effect sensor modules...
Hi guys ,
This is my first post here so please bare with me a moment. I have read through this whole thread and I have a need to build either a capacitive or inductive rpm counter for a small two stroke engine. I am going to use an Ardunio as the micro controller and am quite happy with that...