We have to cut several hundred keys on an old Morrison Keyseater every month. My machinist is having problems with his hand from pumping the oil can during the process. Has anyone ever rigged up an automatic oil dripper for one of these machines? Or does anyone know of an aftermarket oil system...
Thanks. Now I don't know what to do. This is a hot job from a customer and its through production and waiting in quality and this particular customer doesn't like to hear they have bad prints.
I need help interpreting a true position tolerence. It is a laser cut and formed part It is formed in the shape of an L with one leg being shorter than the other. It calls for 3 holes thru the short leg.( I hope you can picture this.) Now my question. The shorter leg is labeled as datum A and...
"Mazatrol" is conversational programming software that comes built into the machine. It is TOTALLY different from G-Code. G-Code can still be used as well. We use both. Mazatrol is good for quick features...bolt patterns, simple line machining, things like that. We also have mastercam for...
Have they had it quoted? I think it was very reasonable for how powerful it is. They will give you a free trial for 15 days with full access to everything. It was an easy sell for us. Im pretty sure it won over a new client for us...they had never had a vedor complete the First Article...
InspectionXpert is amazing. I took a 30 page print with over 1600 bubbles and did it in a day...and printed out the 101 page excel inspection document sheet to go with it. This software saved me I would guess around 40 hours on this one job. Im not sure it could have even been done by...
I use the G Wizard calculator. It seems pretty well put together. You can google it and read about how its been developed. Most people give it positive feedback. It will at least get you some close starting numbers.
Does anyone use any kind of software to create bubble drawings from PDF's? I have a job coming up that has a 30 pg print and will require around 1500 bubbles. Ive never had to do anything this large before so I just did it by hand but I hope that's not my only option here. Any input, software or...