Hello All,
Please see attached a 3D image of the chiller set-up.
The chiller is fed with air at ambiant temperature at a rate of 7.06 m^3/hr at 100 psi into the inlet and through the steel chiller.
The chiller that is manufactured from steel is used to cool the casting (steel) more quickly on...
Many thanks everyone.
Zekeman i will post an image etc. when i have one.
rmw thanks, i did think it was something like that but wasnt sure. I'm guessing the LMTD is the log mean temp. difference? Is that something to do with the natural logs of the radius ratio's in the pipe etc?
Hello All,
I have been asked to look into artificially cool a steel ‘chill’ within a sand mould. The chill by nature conducts heat out of the liquid casting aiding direction solidification. I have been asked to look into maintaining/prolonging the thermal differential between the chill and...