Thanks for your reply, what you have stated is logical. I have added a point to the piston face, however in the assembly it is not possible to select the point without double clicking the piston, once this is done I can select the point, however I cannot select the cylinder hole or any...
See attached JPEG, this is a simple and interesting engine that works off a bycycle pump. I am struggling to find the correct constraint that will allow the piston to move in the chamber. As you can see a simple align option does not work as the piston not only moves in and out but also rotates...
Many thanks, your advice regarding over riding assembly constraints was spot on. I have now completed my assembly and plan to record motion in the sequence part of the programme. Do you have a reference guide for this as the programme seems to have a mind of its own.
I would like to...
Just when I thourght I had cracked the horizonal mill engine I have come to another stop.
I have now added to the engine and put a simple eccentric onto the engine, When I complete a sub assembly all works well (First attached file). In this example I fixed the shaft, and then moved the rod...
Many Thanks for your advice, the attachment was useful as I spotted that you were moving the assembly by adding a constraint and moving it with Touch Align, This worked for my assembly. Before your advice I was trying to move the crankshaft by rotation, using the move icon.
Also I spotted that...
I have created a model in NX6 and want to add movement. I have a simple crank shaft, connecting rod and hozizontal slide assembly, that has been assemblied with touch align constraints. The engine will not rotate when I try to turn the crank shaft, can anyone help me on this? I did try to...