I'm wondering if its possible to predict the ultimate loadcapacity for a general structural model using Abaqus/Standard (not explicit) and simple elastisk-plastic (isotropic hardening) materialmodels?
I've worked on models of bolted aluminiumconnections for a while and compared the...
Just a general question regarding elementtypes in contactproblems in abaqus/standard.
Ive run several simulations for bolted steel connection using a variety of elementtypes. I got quite good results when using C3D8I-elements compared to tests in the laboratory. This element is also...
When I tried running it from command i got: "standard" licence request queued for the Licence server for 1s, 31s, 61s and so on. then after a while it just worked.
Probably some issues with the licence access then?
Im using Abaqus CAE 6.12 to analyse a bolted steelconnection. The model worked fine when running it a couple of times and I tried to refine the mesh to see the difference in results before running it the third time. Suddenly, when submitting the job, nothing happens and the job won't stop...