Our company has recently purchased an Artec (EVA) hand scanner which has the capability to apply the actual texture of the scanned component on the the polygonal of the scanned component.
Is there application in NX which will import the polygonal model(.stl), that the hand scanner created...
How can a .krx file be saved in Teamcenter? I have a part family in Teamcenter that I want to attach a .krx to the part family. NX acts like it saves the .krx file. However, nothing is saved to Teamcenter.
The answer to my revision question when using the resource bar "reuse" tab.
Note: NX is run under Teamcenter
The revision level for the part families shown in the "reuse" tab are control by the assembly load options. So that "as saved" is active in the assembly load options, the latest released...
One minor correction, what I thought was the "member select area" was the resource bar.
What was discovered, in the Teamcenter version, was that in the resource part "part or udf reuse tab" was that the icon displayed is linked to the last released revision part family or if...
The information was very useful.
What I discovered was in the “member select area” a tab was available named reuse library. In the reuse library, there was an option to add a library. From there, the part family would display in the reuse library window. Right selecting on...
After the parent part of a part family is created, it is possible to instance a family member of the part family into an assembly using the "Choose Family Member" panel when the parent part is selected. The "Choose Family Member" display criteria is controlled by the selected "passing"...