I could, but they will not be at the most upstream end of the subdrain lines. Also, would bringing them up through the floor actually increase the risk of groundwater getting into the building?
The Geotech Engineer recommended subdrains 10'-OC for a mat foundation, a total of 11 drain tiles running beneath the building. The drain, as specified by the Structural Engineer, to extend 5' from the building. As this building is recessed into a hillside, three sides of the buildings are...
Thank you all for your replies. The current grassy swale is graded to drain but depressions developed and we are not allowed to change the plant species to provide more durable swale surface. The soil is horrible, HSG group D. Would installing sub drain for the swale and providing better...
I am preparing drainage plan for a park located on a hilly part of town. There is an existing path/walkway with a 6" on the lower side and a hilly lawn/grass area on the upper side. There is an existing grassy swale on the hillside next to the path. Unfortunately, the swale has multiple muddy...