hi all and thanks because i solve my main problem!!!
I have other 1 questions:
How frozen, and then unfrozen, all layers (sure except active layer)?
hi and thank you for response..
i have tried to replace command with ^C^C-LA;M;MURI;; but not run and show this message " Unrecognized command ".
So, i not understand the problem.
Please help me, thanks you.
ps: "muri" is the name of layer.
Hi all and compliment for your forum!
Before to use draftsight i used Intellicad and i used codes below for change, frozen and unfrozen layer:
^C^C^C_layer;s;layer2;; to set layer2
^C^C^C_layer;f;layer2;; to frozen layer2
^C^C^C_layer;t;layer2;; to unfrozen layer2
I try to use this code in...