Modeling as a single substation with resistance of ~.3 yields a more conservative result (more current flowing to earth). But I may be modeling the underground collector system wrong in FCDIST.
The collector system has a bare ground wire buried in trench and extends about 1 mile radially...
I am using MALZ. However, I'll make some average assumptions about the collector system and model it as a remote terminal to see what is more conservative & check back here to let any curious onlookers know.
Since there is minimal fault current coming from the solar collector system, I have decided to treat the project substation and the solar collector system grounds as a single element (similar to a substation with extensive counterpoise).
The effect of this is to lower the effective resistance...
Hmmm ... I'll look into modeling it that way tomorrow.
There isn't much in the way of fault current coming from the collector system for my worst case fault scenario, will any fault current return on that path if it didn't originate from there?
My collector system ground network consists of...
Assume a substation with one transmission source and one collector feeder. The transmission source has shield wires which are connected on both ends, and the collector system is UG, but also connected to the substation ground grid.
I am attempting to accurately calculate and understand the...