Well, I didn't had this situation until NX 8.
I guess, if I have a hole in my part, I want to see a hole not a polygon.
To do that I have to Update display
I can do the job but I do not like the appearance of the display....
So my question is this : can I reset the preferences (for...
Every single time, I am moving from one part to another (so not even asm file) I have to update display
I am not a beginer but I can not fix the preferences for this
We have moved to NX 8 and since that I have a hard time with Visualisation
Could you help on Preferences because whatever I turned on / off it doesn't work ...
- to see real math data I have to Update display all day
- when moving/zooming with Work Section ON, all math data is turning like...
And for some reason, if I switch to Nx Sheet Metal and try to add a Flange to my model (created in Modeling) I can not add a Flange, I can not pick an Edge ....It was so easy in 7.5
I did for now what Didier sugested. It is working, however, when I did some modification in NX, it didn't updated in Spreadsheet and more then this, after it didn't work from Spreadsheet to NX. Like I am loosing the conectivity between. I get messages like, Spreadsheet not responding, Switch To...
I have a file with let say a Cylinder, p0 is diameter and p1 is Height
Can I have a Spreadsheet connected with NX file and do the modification of p0,p1 in Spreadsheet and get updated model in NX ?
So, I created one file with the sketch I wanted then using UDF Wizard I want to create the UDF file.
The problem I have is in UDF Wizard - References - Add Geometry, so at creating the insert reference for the UDF. If I create a Horizontal and a Point (for example) then before using the UDF in...
I have created an User Defined Feature. It is a Sketch for undercuts. I heve NX7.5
The problem I have is this : at inserting where I needed, it is always coming in position 0,0,0 and I am not able to put it where I want it. So how can I define the Origin and Orientation for UFD ?