Hi to all,
I'm having a problem with a SAP model. We have a steel beam system to analye, in our office, from a project of another company.
The problem is, that i would like do connect two HE700A with two IPE 200. These HE700A have a 25m span and dist from each other 5.00m. The IPE 200 should...
Hi Brian,
Thanks for your response. However i have another question.
In terms of SAP2000, is it possible to simulate foundation piles in any other way? For example, trying to model those elements by assigning them a plastic behaviour?
Thank You once again.
Hi everyone,
I have a building project in hands in which is required to simulate several foundations conditions:
1 - Foundation slab among piles;
2 - Only Piles.
My doubdt relies on the the best way to simulate those referred piles. Until now i'm modelling the piles "only", by assigning...
Hi everyone,
I have a building project in hands in which is required to simulate several foundations conditions:
1 - Foundation slab among piles;
2 - Only Piles.
My doubdt relies on the the best way to simulate those referred piles. Until now i'm modelling the piles "only", by assigning...
Hi everyone,
I have a building project in hands in which is required to simulate several foundations conditions:
1 - Foundation slab among piles;
2 - Only Piles.
My doubdt relies on the the best way to simulate those referred piles. Until now i'm modelling the piles "only", by assigning...