Thanks Mustaine3 for your kind response,
Is there any other way to simulate friction between two different parts without using an independent mesh so I can use the steady state analysis?
or is there any alternative to steady state analysis to obtain the amplitude of motion over a specific...
Good Morning,
I am a researcher in the field of geotechnical engineering. I used to use the FEA software COMSOL in analysis but now I am thinking about switching to Abaqus due to some technical problems. I just wonder if it possible to simulate friction between independent mesh parts in a...
Hi All,
I am currently working on a project In which we want to retain a different levels of terraces system,We plan to do so by a system of gravity walls (each wall is at a level higher than the next one).Would you Please provide me with any source\advice about how to make an accurate design...
Hi All,
I am trying to build a machine foundation model using Sap , I tried to look through the internet for document that talks about this subject but I only found this document
the file is...
Hi All,
I am trying to build a machine foundation model using Sap , I tried to look through the internet for document that talks about this subject but I only found this document
the file is...
Hi all ,
I have a question that I wish some one here can help me with
I wanted to learn a new advanced finite element problem to help me to deal with some researches concerning soil mechanics ,
I have seen too many soil mechanic researches that uses abaqus than those which use ansys
I wonder...
Hi all ,
I have a question that I wish some one here can help me with
I wanted to learn a new advanced finite element problem to help me to deal with some researches concerning soil mechanics ,
I have seen too many soil mechanic researches that uses abaqus than those which uses ansys
thanks to you all that was really helpful but what about the other falling rock protection systems like an earth embankment or ditches can any body help me about how to design those? I am using the rocfall software to predict the falling rock behavior so that part of the analysis is ok
Hi All,
I was looking for any information about the protection systems of rock falls types and how to design them. I hope if any one here can help me especially in how to design a rock fall net fence