Thank you guys for al the responces and help.
I finally was able to create the shape, though i used the thin feature in the lofted cut (outward)command to resolve it.
> MartinShane.
I use the 2012 edition. If you would be so kind to post it, it could be of help in the future by discovering new...
Oh and to Tristram. I think the surface tools won't help because the part actually has to be solid. You ment creating one of the curved sides, copy it 6 times, and knit it together?
It is hard to explain through text i must say.
>>Martin, i didn't check out the picture you send with your post until after i commented.
But it actually looks like how i want it to be. But what are your start and end constraint to get something like that?
And did you draw those lines one bij...
yes it does matter, that is what complicates it.
I have one defined curve(line). But i can't copy that line along the six points, to get the exact same curves.
that's why i tried a revolve first and than copy the curve lines alng the points, through planes and the "intersection curve" command...
I have a problem with creating a shape, which is very easy on paper, but on Solidworks i just can't find the solution for.
I want to create a hexagonial shape like cilinder, with a specified length, but the width varies.
In the picture that i posted along with this thread, is the...