Same issue as the in this thread thread378-438609 .
System requirement calls for 200m3/h river water, 50micron/99% removal efficiency. River water contains silt and small wood fibers.
Pre filtering stage is a mesh 16 sidehill screen, settling tank with no chemicals, and pumped to a...
Small update.
We chose to remove the generator rather than the rotor (effort was the same) and send to a repair center. A comparison test was done and at least 2 rotor poles were bad. The rotor is being rewinded with new copper and a higher temperature class insulation (but not uprated).
We are having problems with a steam turbine generator rated 380V/1.25MW with brushless excitation.
Started 4 months ago with failing diodes (one or two) every 2 weeks (exciter/rotor/stator were megged and deemed ok), then every week (AVR was replaced with a spare) , then every day, then a a...